Adult Registration

Please fill out the following form to register for adult soccer. (Late fees of $10 per player will apply after April 15)
Games are Sunday nights at 6.
The season will start May 25.
You will be contacted by your team captain the week before the season starts with which team you are on.


Player Information

Soccer Playing Experience


Player Information

Soccer Playing Experience

Agreement and Consent

I am aware that soccer is a physical game involving physical and strenuous exertion and that there are risks associated with playing the game. Furthermore, I am aware that; injuries sustained in soccer can be severe; that I may come into close contact with other participants, including the possibility of accidental and unexpected contact; and, that my risk of injury is reduced if I follow the rules established for participation.

In consideration of East Elgin Soccer allowing me to participate as a player in their adult house league, I agree: to assume all risks arising out of or associated with my participation; to be solely responsible for any injury, loss or damage that I might sustain while participating; and to follow all rules, regulations and codes of conduct governing my participation.

I acknowledge that I am or will be 19 years of age or older this year, that I have read this registration agreement in its entirety, that the information I have provided is true and accurate and that I have entered into this agreement voluntarily.

Provide the name of the person filling out this form. Submitting this form constitutes agreement to the terms above.